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A Green Recipe Round-Up For St. Patrick's Day & Other Stuff

It's not easy being green... 
when you don't have any specific St. Patrick's Day recipes. 

No corned beef and cabbage.
No shamrock cookies.
No Irish soda bread. 
No leprechaun hat cupcakes.
No blarney scones.

No, it's not easy being green. 

But it's not impossible, either.

Here's a round-up of some of my favorite green foods. 

Silky Zucchini Soup | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Silky Zucchini Soup

Basil Mayonnaise | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Basil Mayonnaise

No-Bake Key Lime Pie | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
No-Bake Key Lime Pie

Super-Easy Frittata Muffins | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Frittata Muffins

Pineapple Gazpacho | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Pineapple Cucumber Gazpacho

Avocado Hummus | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

 Oh, there's one other thing that these recipes have in common besides being green.

I can't spell  zuchinni zucchini.  
I can't spell  mayonaisse mayonnaise.
I can't spell fritatta frittata.
I can't spell avacodo avocado.

I'm good with pie, though.

I haven't been around much, these last few weeks,
and I feel a little like this.
(You may remember him from here).

As you may know, I'm chairing a huge fundraiser for my  synogogue synagogue 
(I can't spell that, either),
I've been working my hiney off for the last six months,
and the event is finally happening this Sunday.
It's kept me SUPER busy, so...
I'm way behind on answering all of your lovely comments...
I can barely crank out a blog post...
I've hardly had time to visit my blogger friends...
I can just about get dinner on the table...
and, I haven't decided what to wear on Sunday
(if you know me, that is NOT my style)!

Anyway, I hope you'll forgive me,
and know that after this week, I'll be back, full force!
 In the meantime, I'll be over at A Little Claireification on Thursday,
and back for Best Of The Weekend on Friday night.

If you've never linked up on BOTW, I hope you'll give it a try!
I noticed that there are a lot of recipes linked up each week,
but I love to see some of you with decorating or diy posts
link up, too!  

Linking With:
Wake Up Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesday
Home and Garden Thursday 
Let's Get Real 
Treasure Box Tuesday 

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