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Book Review: The Bloodied Rose - Danie Ware (Black Library)

So this the first novella from the Black Library new novella series that started yesteryear.
In the Bloodied Rose we follow a group of Sororitas from the Order of the Bloody Rose. They are going back to Lautis to try to understand what happened to the world they deemed cleansed and as another group of Sororitas and a mechanicum team went missing.

We follow Sister Superior Augusta, Jatoya (2nd in command), Viola, Melia, Caia & Akemi (the newcomer) as they uncover what happened and their battle against chaos of Khorne. It was very interesting to learn about the Sororitas and their beliefs.

It was also interesting to read all those latin phrases :)

The highlight was the monologue where he compared the path of Khorne and the path of blood for the Emperor

Very interesting all in all - I have now Wreck in Ruin to read. Probably not right away but in the near future. I believe that this could have been made like Dan Abnett Space Marine novel where we get an amalgamation of short stories/novellas focusing on a chapter.

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