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Historical - Lutomarix the Golden Prince of Voll 649 OR

Historical - Lutomarix the Golden Prince of Voll 649 OR

The might of the Aerdy claimed not only the surrounding nations but the lives of many of their nobility. Lutomarix and his younger brother Prince Virogalas and sister Princess Sudurix distinct in their golden armor and the golden barding of their mounts ride in a final charge against the forces of the Aerdy. Both Lutomarix and Virogalas were killed in the battle while Sudurix was badly wounded and removed from the stricken field by loyal soldiers.

King Atagnatos and the rest of the royal family committed ritual suicide before the palace could be taken, but Sudurix plagued the Aerdy as a rebel leader till the end of her days. 

Lutomarix had been a renowned warrior and true paladin of Heironeous. It is recounted that he slew the red dragon Fume and broke the cabal of Nerullite priests which plagued the land of Voll.

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